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Fake Celebrity Email Theater (Twitter Edition)

Posted in Comic Con, Fake Celebrity Stuff, Fake Tweets, True Blood, Twilight, Uncategorized, Vampire Diaries with tags , , , , , , , , , on July 12, 2012 by talksupe
posted by EC Stace

Rob’s Adventures at Comic-Con

I am praying for better hair this year.

I get it, we’ve disappeared. I apologize, but seriously it has been a busy time for us both. To make it up to those of you still reading our crazy…here’s a fake celebrity email theater for you to enjoy.

Disclaimer: You know this isn’t real, right? You must know that they can’t actually act this way. At least, I hope not. 

MCROBBASE: Ian, mate, what are you doing?

VAMPSDONTSPARKLE: In a panel. Go away!


MCROBBASE: Paul, how’s the panel? I am bored. They won’t let me drink a beer.

ROMANTICSTEFAN: Its 10:30 in the morning! Have an orange juice. Nina and I are playing rock, paper, scissors. They are only talking to Ian about 50 Shades of Grey anyway.

MCROBBASE: The movie based on my life? I saw pictures of me and the book in some magazines. I wonder why they called it 50 Shades of Grey?  I am a colorful bloke. There was this one time when Tom and I got ahold of some grey paint, but it was only to paint a rocking chair.


ROMANTICSTEFAN: It’s a porn book based on Twilight fanfiction, Rob! My wife likes to read it aloud. It scares me.

VAMPSDONTSPARKLE: You are an idiot too, Paul.

MCROBBASE: This is brilliant! You want to be like me…or Edward.

VAMPSDONTSPARKLE: I certainly do not want to be a sparkly, pent up, virgin vampire. I think infusing some Damon in that flick would help. Plus, I am good with nudity.

MCROBBASE: I think Michael Fassbender would be a great choice if nudity should be taken in consideration.

ROMANTICSTEFAN: I second that motion.

VAMPSDONTSPARKLE: I hate you both.

MCROBBASE: I think you could be good too, Alex.

SWEDEVAMP: How did you get this number? I told my agent to make it unlisted.

VAMPSDOITBIGGERINTEXAS: Does anyone have any diapers? Little guy did a poopy.


MCROBBASE: I have some in my bag for Tom and Sienna’s little one. I babysit on Thursdays. What size do you need, Jackson?

TEENWOLF: Hey guys. Why don’t you ever text me?

VAMPSDONTSPARKLE: What’s up, baby lover?

TEENWOLF: Oh, come on!

Don’t you wish THAT happened at Comic Con?

Come Support The Amazing Team Seth!

Posted in Dr. Who, Letters to Twilight, Message From Team Seth, Uncategorized on June 13, 2012 by talksupe


Posted by EC Stacey

We adore Team Seth! She has not only brightened our blog (she’s our Dr. Who expert!), but has been a friend of the brilliant Letters to Twilight, too! ( You already knew she was an amazing writer, but also a fabulous author. Let’s all support her tomorrow evening!

On Thursday June 14th at 6:00pm PDT Lorena Gay will be interviewed by Australian author Fiona Leonard on Twitter about her new book On the Cusp of the Earth; a gripping story of a young engineer with a dark past she wants to forget and a mysterious coworker she can’t help but feel attracted to. While on a business trip together to Russia, war is declared with the United States and they are forced to flee the country amidst the newfound chaos, discovering along the way that the other is hiding something, but neither is quite sure what.

Lorena entered the Indie Publishing arena by serializing her novel and has some great insights about this new publishing channel. Find out about her experiences, her novel and plans for the future when she talks with Fiona on Thursday.

The interview will be conducted via a tweet chat. To follow, simply go to, log in with your twitter account, and type in the hashtag #lorenachat.

You can follow the interview live on tweetchat or by following @fionajleonard or @lorenagay

Fake Celebrity Theater ( Twilight Character Edition):

Posted in Fake, Fake Celebrity Stuff, Twilight, Uncategorized with tags , , , on March 30, 2012 by talksupe
posted by EC Stacey

A Girl and Her Very Large Dog. Bet He Eats a Lot of Kibble.

Bella Swan Never Needed a Pet Fish…She Had a Gigantic Dog Named Jacob Black

Long time, no see dear readers! While WC Stace has been busy with work, I’ve been raising a new baby of the furry variety. My life has now been reduced to cleaning up excrement, being a human chew toy and taking a million walks to try to tire out my new floppy eared friend! Now wonder, I have no time to concentrate on Vampire Diaries or Being Human! I do like to watch Breaking Dawn on my IPod, while half asleep. I know you say to yourself…EC what are you drinking?!? (Gin & Tonics, kids.) Let me explain, I have an irrational love for the Twilight movies. I love them and also love to make fun of them. It’s a vicious cycle and really I don’t want to think late at night. Twilight is thinking free. Except that it did, in fact, make me think about Bella and Jacob’s relationship. How Bella is the owner and Jacob is her pet with his tail a wiggling… So here he we go…

What a Cute Puppy! Don't Just Want to Scratch Behind His Little Puppy Ears?

Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyers loves Jacob…She would never, ever making him do this stuff! But I certainly will.

I Really Didn't Mean Stick My Whole Head Into The Popcorn Bag, Bella!

Scene 1: Dinner Time at The Swan’s

Bella: (Mumbling and biting her lip) Jake…why…you aren’t using your fork?

Jacob: So good, Bells… (Grabs a hadful of mashed potatoes and flings it onto his plate.

Charlie: Son, you don’t need lick your plate. Billy needs to teach that boy some manners.

Jacob: Mmmhh…good…mmmhh…

Bella: (More mumbles) That’s…ugh…Jake…gross.

Jake...can you...stop...slobbering on me? I'm soaked!

Scene 2: Jacob and Bella on the Mountainside.

Boundries, Bells? A dog...I mean...a MAN has urges.

Jacob: Bella Swan, I love you more then anything else. I am your sun.

Bella: (More mumbling and more lip biting) Jake…ugh…I love…you know…Edward.

Jacob: But baby…

Bella: (Finally NOT mumbling) What are you doing?!?

Jacob: What are you talking about ?

Bella: Oh my gosh, you’re humping my leg!

(This is where Bella attempts to punch Jacob and breaks her hand. Which then makes Jacob try to lick her face in comfort and ultimately sends our old buddy, Edward into self loathing hysterics.)

You...ugh...seriously, shoes?

Scene 3: Bella’s Bedroom

Bella: (Mumbling and lip biting. Again. Seriously, I hope the girl has cases of lip balm, because around her mouth is going to be all red and nasty.) What are you doing in my room?

Jacob: I thought you were out with Ed?

Bella: I was…wait a minute…are you chewing my shoes? Those are my Converse!

Jacob: It’s not what it looks like…

Bella: Is this because I was with Edward?

Jacob: Listen, Bell…

Bella: You could have at least ate those death traps Alice bought me! What’s wrong with you?!? (Hits Jacob over the head with chewed up sneaker.)

Isabella, we've discussed this before. If you are going to have a pet, you need to make him urinate in the proper location.

Scene 4: Outside of the Cullen Homestead

Edward: Listen, Black…stay away from Bella. You chewed up her favorite shoes, tried to have relations with her leg and not to mention your terrible table manners. I have had enough and have to take a stand!

Bella: (The mumbling is back.) Edward…He doesn’t mean to…Jake… Edward is trying to…ugh…say…

Jacob: Back off, Dead Boy! You just make me so mad…

Edward: Did you just urinate?

Jacob: Umm…I…aahhh…

Bella: (Oh lord, she’s lip biting again.) Jake…I…you are a little wet…on…you know…your front…

Jacob: (Now HE’S mumbling.) I got a little excited.

Edward: Emmett can lend you some slacks. I am far to trim and svelte for you to fit in a pair of mine.

Emmett: (Yelling) Maybe, we need to get him a ltter box! Damn…that’s wrong…that would be for a cat. Hey dude, you like FuBu?

THIS guy is definitely a cat person.

And Scene. I need to watch Vampire Diaries or something classy like Dowton Abbey. My mind is going downhill quickly!

I’m so lost I need mapquest

Posted in SWD's ramblings, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , on March 21, 2012 by talksupe
posted by snowwhitedrifted (West Coast Stacey/ SWD)

I haven’t read anything in forever. I started a Gabaldon book in, wait for it… November and I’m only a 1/4 of the way through. And it’s a brand new Jamie book. But our art hard drive died and I renamed the new one “Claire” cuz if she can find her way back and forth through time, she sure isn’t going to loose my art libraries.

I haven’t seen Vampire Diaries since the Holidays.

I saw Breaking Dawn once. Once. Bought it, It’s still in the packaging.

I don’t even skim the Truebie posts on my FB timeline.

Being Human what?

Downtown Abbey what?

I haven’t read the Hunger Games.

I didn’t know 50 shades of Grey, was based on a certain fanfiction that I never read.

*sigh* What have I been doing???

Nothing important. Going to bed at 9 after making dinner and doing laundry. Work has been INSANELY crazy for months and I have no free time to catch up on the important Supernatural stuff! Damn you people and needing your t-shirts (kidding, fates, I don’t need to tempt you), I need my internet catch up time. Anywhooooo

We just started “Breaking Bad” last night. 3 episodes in on season 1. *sigh* I hear it’s addictive. Like the fact I can’t wait to get home, slap dinner together, bounce the kiddo to bed and settle in for some good meth drama.


Bow hunter

I'm so cluess, I'm assuming she's hunting some wolfpack from one of the franchises I'm behind on.

Fake Celebrity (non) Email Theater Presents…

Posted in Breaking Dawn, EC's Random Musings, Fake Celebrity Stuff, Twilight, Uncategorized with tags , , , , on February 10, 2012 by talksupe
posted by EC Stacey

Can Only Imagine ALL The Possibilities!

Three Men and A Baby, Twilight Edition

To make up for being a complete and total slacker, I decided it was about time to give you all another edition of Fake Celebrity Email Theater without the pesky emails. Obviously, Jackson Rathbone breeding has been a bizarre inspiration. Think of it as a really bad version of the classic movie, Three Men and a Baby. The difference is that in this version, Kellan Lutz is taking the role of Tom Selleck. Robert Pattinson is that rascally Ted Danson. Finally, the daddy to be, Jackson is the quirky Steve Guttenberg. (Nobody does wacky like Jackson.)

DISCLAIMER: I bet Jackson is going to be a terrific dad. (Hopefully) We are only teasing. Also, if you honestly think any of this is happening, then you have the ability to read a magic crystal ball. Which I don’t so this is…PRETEND! Just giving you a heads up.

Scene 1: Diaper Duty

Don't worry Baby Jackson, we can pray for those chain smoking sinners at Sunday School.

Kellan: You can’t smoke around a baby!
Rob: Bloody hell, Kellan it calms her/him. The smoke makes her/him giggle.
Jackson: I think it’s just gas. My kid can make a stink. Damn.
Kellan: Could you two please watch the language. A dollar each in the swear jar!
Jackson/Rob: Shit!
Kellan: That will be two dollars each, you heathens!

Scene 2: Rock A Bye or Yo Gabba Banana

A Future Children's Musical Classic

Kellan: Let’s sing her to sleep.
Rob: Mate, you sound like a dying cow. I’ll sing her/him my song from the Twilight soundtrack.
Jackson: Are you delusional? My baby doesn’t want to hear that!
Rob: How To Be soundtrack?
Jackson: Shoot me now.
Rob: It was a bestseller in the U.K.!
Jackson: Sure it was. *snicker* How about I sing the 100 Monkeys’ song, I did on Yo Gabba Gabba?
Kellan: Dude, the didn’t air it because the guitar solo was an hour long.
Jackson: They have no taste! The 100 Monkey’s children’s album is going to be huge!
Rob: A huge disappointment to small children’s eardrums. Only Twimoms are going to buy it. For themselves.
Jackson: You mean your target audience.
Kellan: Let’s not fight, boys! Nikki sent us the children’s album she did with her husband.
Jackson and Rob: NOOOOO!!!!!

Just What My Kids Will Want For Christmas

Scene 3: Babysitter’s Club

Ashley Greene: Babysitting Professional

Ashley: I would love to watch your little one, Jack!
Jackson: Can you change a diaper?
Ashley: Yes.
Jackson: Can you fix a bottle?
Ashley: Of course!
Jackson: Are you going to try to sneak in Gerard Butler or a Jonas Brother?
Ashley: Well…
Jackson: I’m hiring Kristen Stewart.
Ashley: You’ve got to be kidding me!

Scene 4: Playdate Union Jack Edition

It's quite simple, Rob. Babies are like dogs! You open the door and let them poop in the yard.

Rob: Hey Jackson, Tom is bringing over his bundle of joy for a playdate.
Jackson: Really? Get out the poker chips and beer!
Rob: Henekin for everybody!
Kellan: What’s going on here?
Rob: Playdate with Sturridge’s kid.
Kellan: Did he shave the beard? It scares the babies.
Jackson: Let me just add a little more gel to Junior’s head. His/her bouffant isn’t high enough.
Kellan: You don’t out hair gel on babies! Rob! Put away those shot glasses right now!
Rob: Come on, Kellan! Let’s have a little fun!
Kellan: That’s it! Tom Sturridge and his offspring can’t play anymore. They are bad examples!

Scene 5: What The Real Movie Will Look Like

Another Blockbuster!


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on February 7, 2012 by talksupe
posted by snowwhitedrifted (SWD/ WEst Coast Stacey)

SWD: OK, I’m not going to even begin to pretend that I have a clue about what’s going on on Vampire Diaries. I’ve watched like 20 minutes, in the last 4 months. #ImAwesome

EC: I’ve watched! Everything, but the last one. But it is dvr’ed and ready to view! I’m just waiting for that one above (SWD)to catch up, because I don’t want to spoil her on all the goodness! Don’t worry… I’ll keep on her! Hopefully, we can have a massive VampDi refresher post sometime this week. Or next. I have a new puppy, so it depends if she let’s me sleep in past 5 A.M. #likeanewbabywithneedleteeth  #likeifJacobBlackwasyourpetandatehisownpoop

SWD: So…. I’ll share my shopping experience with ya’ll

Whilst strolling through Target last week, looking to pick up some thank-you notes and a shower squeegee, I happened upon this lil gem:

Team tees at Tar-jay!

SWD: I saw these, then quickly checked the men’s section for Team Bella boxers. Alas, there were none. I did, however find a “scratch and sniff” t-shirt for SWD jr. in the kids section. I wonder why this technology can’t be used on the Robward, TayCob tees? Rob’s would smell like beer beard and Tay’s would be shaving cream. Don’t you totes think he smells like shaving cream? Maybe they could have Bella sports bras that would smell like deoderant win/win! Speaking of sports, I’d totally rock that Rob shirt to the gym. Nothing like putin some nice pit stains on ol’ Eddie.

EC: AHHH!!! I might want the Pattinson one. Not to actually wear in public, but when I take the puppy out for her a millionth walk outside to not piddle on my floor. Actually, the Jacob shirt would be more appropriate, but creepy. #alwaysbejailbaitevenat50

Nevermind, the neighbors might be weirded out. I could sleep in one. Except my family would be weirded out. Hmm…I COULD wear Edward while cleaning the house. That would be completely an Edward approved activity!

Fake Celebrity Email (Texting) Theater Presents…

Posted in award shows, Fake Celebrity Stuff, Fake Emails, Twilight, Uncategorized, Vampire Diaries with tags , , , , , , on January 12, 2012 by talksupe
Posted by EC Stacey
I just love the older birds! That’s why I pick movies like Water For Elephants and Bel Amie.

Somerhalder and Pattinson at The People’s Choice Awards

Ian: Can someone please take the phone away from Robert Pattinson? Paul: He can text me if he wants.

That’s right, the holidays are over and it’s time for award season! What’s on tap first? That giant commercial for hair products and makeup, The People’s Choice Awards. (Which is true! They had actual real time advertisements throughout the thing. If I was an actor attending I would knock some sense into the producer of that cheese fest with the glass award.)

But the most important development was a cleanly shaved Robert Pattinson or Mr.Clean, because it was his head and a supremely smug, yet dapper Ian Somerhalder were in the same venue. #asignoftheMayanapocolypse. That means it’s time for a super special Fake Celebrity Email Theater, Texting Edition!

Disclaimer: This isn’t real. At all. Let’s be clear now…NOT REAL. Promise me you don’t think any of this is true or any of these actors are ACTUALLY like this. What is true? Pattinson did wear that outfit and must have gotten a bit “tipsy” with an electric shaver.

PFACH: Cheers, Ian! Where’s the bloody bar in this place?

ISomer: Peter Fachinelli? Where did you get my phone number?

PFACH: It’s me, Rob! I stole Peter’s phone. He won’t mind he’s like my da. I got this free phone from AT&T, but it doesn’t text. It DOES have a neat flip lid, so I won’t accidentally call Nikki Reed anymore. Kristen doesn’t like that. So where’s the bar?

ISomer: Leave me alone. He last thing you need is a drink.

PFACH: I always need a drink, bloke! But it’s for my date.

ISomer: Kristen Stewart isn’t here. Did you come with the other vampire girl?

PFACH: That sexy little bird? Nina Di…Russian something? I tried to chat her up on the carpet. I think we are hitting up Mickey D’s after the show.

ISomer: That’s my girlfriend!!!!!

PFACH: I truly apologize, Ian! But isn’t she a bit young for you? She’s like 16 and your 40.

ISomer: I…I…what is wrong with you! By the way, I’m 33!

PFACH: You look so much older. Anyway, back to the bar. Betty wants to get her drink on.

ISomer: Betty White? What?!?

PFACH: Those older bird love to get their drink on! I learned this on the Water For Elephants set with Reese. She loved those G&T’s…hold on a sec! I just won!

I’m back! What did you think of my speech?

ISomer: It sucked, Sparkles.

PFACH: That wasn’t nice. Oh it’s Paul!

PWes: Dude, nice speech! I should plan you a celebration party! It would be better with Nina’s help, but IAN doesn’t let her help anymore.

ISomer: She can’t spend everyday at you house picking out decorative party napkins, Paul. It’s getting obsessive and, to tell the truth, weird.

PWes: You’re just jealous I never ask you on your opinion on my napkins.

Anyway, ROB what happened to your hair?!? OMG!

PFACH: A little razor incident. You see, Tom and I got a 12 pack of Heineken. We thought Sienna and Kristen would like us free of cumbersome hair. Tom chickened last minute and here I am left hairless. Kristen is quite put out and keeps mentioning Chris Helmsworth’s flowing locks. Stupid Snow White.

ISomer: You know what’s stupid? Your story and your shirt.

PWes: I like his shirt. It shows he’s relaxed and fun.

ISomer: You would.

PFACH: Paul would, because he is a true friend. I like your shirt, too. The rolled sleeves are a nice touch! Not stuffy, like Mr. Fancy Pants.

Look! Your lady won, Ian! Why is she smiling at Paul?

ISomer: Please stop.

PFACH: Don’t be put out. She probably misses picking out streamers with him, you know.

PWes: She really does. It’s true! She texts me fun entertaining ideas all day long! Like for instance, do you think 100 Monkeys would play her cousin’s 13th birthday party? He loves Twilight!

PFach: Sure. It’s not like Jackson is doing anything else.

ISomer: Will you two stop! My category is up next!

*Three sad minutes later*

PFACH: Sorry, Man. I do like that bloke from Serenity. I’ve never seen Castle. But i love Serenity, I should do SciFi. You know that the creator of Serenity created Buffy? Now THAT’S a good vampire tv show!

ISomer: I am so going to make fun of you on Twitter now. Well after a send a series of tweets about the plight of rare butterflies.

Yeah, those two should hug it out or at least do Dancing With The Stars together. #scaryimagesoftheday Can’t wait to see them at the MTV Awards!

New Year’s Resolutions for a Supe Filled 2012

Posted in Being Human, Breaking Dawn, Parks and Recreations, Secret Circle, Supernatural, True Blood, Uncategorized, Vampire Diaries with tags , , on December 29, 2011 by talksupe
posted by EC Stacey

Yup, I watched the dude from ED in this.

Time to Kick Off 2012 Supernatural Style

Dear Actors and Actresses of Supernatural Shows (and TalkSupe Readers),

EC here. I need to apologize. With all the holiday decorating, baking and channeling of entertaining queen, Martha Stewart I have neglected you. The Christmas times fill me with so much holiday spirit that instead of watching eternal love and scary undead things, I watch holiday movies starring Tom Cavanagh (from that show ED) on basic cable. Oh and there was an awesome one that starred Dawson from Dawson’s Creek. Not to forget the Santa town movie starring DJ from Full House! (Obviously, I love the cheesiest of Christmas movies.) Stop giving me dirty looks, Ian Somerhalder. Go recycle something!

Also in this...

For this reason, I am making my New Year’s Resolutions for you, shows like Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Secret Circle, etc. #QuestionablePriorities

1. Dear Vampire Diaries, I will try my best this new year to watch and blog about your episodes in a timely manner. I will not watch Parks & Recreation on DVR, 15 times in a row and laugh my self silly then feel unable to deal with Mystic Falls angst. I will also not write a letter to Kevin Williamson to add Aziz Anzari to the Vamp Di cast for a comedic sidekick to Damon and Stefan. (Even though they really need one.)

What these two grumps needs is some...

Tom Haverford bringing some 50 Cent freestyles

2. Dear True Blood, I will sit through an episode this summer without complaining the whole time that the show is way too different than the books. I will just be happy that Lafayette is still alive and not curse the death of Tara. I will TRY not to write a letter to Alan Ball to make the show all about Alcide and Sam. Those two men sure know how to rock the Sam’s shirt!

Look! It's the plaid sporting Dynamic Duo!

3. Dear Supernatural, I will try to watch the episodes I’ve missed so far this season. Which is all of them.

I'm so very sorry!

4. Dear Secret Circle, I will forgive you for killing off Nick and introducing that bland Ken Doll. Never mind. Not forgiven.

Williamson, you are NOT FORGIVEN!

I will, however, limit Adam eyeliner jokes to every OTHER episode.

Don't make a Cure joke. Don't make a Depeche Mode joke. Don't make a... This is already not working.

5. Dear Breaking Dawn, I will try not to make fun of you. Who I am kidding. I will still make fun of you and create more Fake Celebrity Email Theaters starring that Pretty Pattinson.

A: Do you think they are making fun of my outfit? J: No,darlin'. Carlisle's wig, definitely.

6. Dear Being Human (British and U.S. Editions), I will try my best not to compare the two of you. It really isn’t fair to make comparisons, but instead attempt to find positives about each. (I still find the British far superior, but I am giving you a chance season 2!)

Some days we wish we were British.

7. Dear Walking Dead, I still won’t watch you. (Stupid, nightmare giving zombies!)

Please no nightmares!

8. I will try not to watch DVR recordings of The New Girl and Glee that I have already watched, instead I will watch all the previously mentioned shows like Vamp Di that are filling up my DVR along with cooking shows. (Except that zombie one. Eww!)

I love this show! It adorkable!

I promise all of this to all of you. Except that I really should admit that I am not the best at keeping resolutions. At all. Plus that New Girl is soo funny! I could watch it all day long!

Your friend, EC Stace

Team Jacob Edward Pulls A David Letterman…

Posted in Letters to Twilight, Team Jacob Edward's Thought, Twilight, Uncategorized, Vampires with tags , on November 16, 2011 by talksupe
posted by EC Stacey
This what Team Jacob Edward is Looking For…oh and Feathers

The Top Ten Reasons TJE’s Excited About Breaking Dawn

We love when Team Jacob Edward writes to us and we were so happy to get her letter! Lets’s see just how excited she really is!

What I’m excited about Breaking Dawn

I don’t know about you, but for me it feels like it has been an ETERNITY that I’ve been waiting for Breaking Dawn (Part I) to come out, and when it comes to vampires, an eternity is a very freaking long time!  And finally, finally the day is upon us.

But it got me thinking; why exactly am I excited for Breaking Dawn – PI?  Let’s count them down, shall we?

 10.  Bad hair day… or I guess, eternity

No.  I’m not really looking forward to the bad hair per se, but really Twilight movies and bad hair/wigs kind of seems like it needs to go together:  Edward’s bouffant (which actually, I really kind of miss) and Jacob’s black mop of a wig in Twilight.  Jacob’s mop hair Part II and Jasper’s Poodle ‘do extraordinaire in New Moon.  Alice’s soccer mom hair (minus the grad party) and Jacob’s—I mean, Bella’s mop wig in Eclipse.

 I mean, isn’t part of the fun finding things to gigglecringe* about?  I kind of think so, don’t you, Spider monkey? (EC: You had me at “Spider monkey”)

*Yes, gigglecringe, I know it’s not a real word.  I make up words and use them as if they’re real because I’m odd cool like that.

And from the stills and previews I’ve seen, it appears that Carlisle wins the Bad Hair Eternity metal for BD.  I’m wondering if the Summit Nieces Collective just realized that he hadn’t had a horrid hair moment in the films, and they feel it’s important that all the main characters have horrendous hair at one point or another through the films.  It’s just Carlisle’s turn, I guess.

It's just so bad... That hair goes horribly with a jaunty scarf!

9.  It’s our one last Twilight movie that we can enjoy in peace before the world flogs us all and the Twilight fandom ends up being the butt of many (more) jokes on Tosh.0

Personally some of us (EC) can't WAIT for the TOSH.O jokes. (I really don't want to find him as funny as I do, but I can't help it)

Honestly, when I read the series, I didn’t have one shred of icky feelings about Jake’s imprinting on Renesmee.  Stephenie did an amazing job explaining the whole imprinting thing and softened the blow before Jake imprinted on Nessie with Quil and Clair in Eclipse.  We already knew, there wasn’t anything gross or horrendous about it, so when I read the end of Jacob’s book in Breaking Dawn, my reaction was something like, “Oh my God!  Jake imprinted on Renesmee!” not, “Ugh, that’s (fill in the blank with whatever repulsive adjective you’d prefer)”

You get the point. 

Honestly, I think the whole Jacob imprinting on Nessie isn’t going to be in BD-P1 (seriously, it’s a frick’n long title, I had to abbreviate).  I think that this is our last chance to enjoy a Twilight movie in peace (well, other than the harmless heckling we let roll off our backs).  And I am fully bracing myself for next year when I’m quite certain that the sh*t is going to hit the fan and we’ll be all stoned to death.  Okay, probably not stoned to death, but the ridicule will be fierce for us… and then there’s poor Taylor who will never live it down. (EC: You know, poor Taylor is going to have to hold the demon baby and look longingly at it, with a single tear running down his chiseled (yet still baby) face)

8.  Alice’s clothes

"Will Alice have cool clothes? Magic 8-Ball Says..."Be Afraid, be very Afraid"

I will be the first to admit, I am nothing close to a fashionista.  I never had the knack some have to look fantabulous all the time even if they aren’t swathed in designer items head-to-toe.  I’ve always envied those people and tried to take cues from them but never was blessed with that gift.  Alice is supposed to be blessed with said gift and unlimited funds to quite literally swathe herself in the hottest, most cutting edge fashion out there… and she just… doesn’t in the movies.

Actually, I thought Alice looked her best in Twilight.  To me, she looked the closest to what I remember Bella describing the Cullens in the books.  It was something along the lines of; “their clothes were simple and understated but hinted at designer origins.”  (I’m reciting from memory so it was something like that, anyway.)  The Twilight movie seemed to have done that for our favorite local vampire family even without actually going all out designer.  When New Moon came, I was confused because I’d remembered reading somewhere that the costume department was going to be using actual designer clothes this time instead of knockoffs. Like I’d said I’m not a fashionista, nor do I pretend to be, but I don’t know what designer put together New Moon Alice’s ensemble.

Therefore, I’m looking forward to seeing what she wears in Breaking Dawn; if she looks cute and adorable, or if she’s Navaho designed smocks that resemble fancy bur lack sacks.

7.   The resurrection of Buttcrack Santa*

What?  That’s not going to happen?!?  Dammit!  I was so stoked too!  -kicks imaginary rock-

*If you don’t’ know who Buttcrack Santa is, hop over to LTT’s old site ( and you’ll find the history of Buttcrack Santa there. 

May he rest in peace.

Okay fine, the real #7…

7.  Shirtless Jacob

I don't care how old he is... he will always be jailbait to me.

While I am unswervingly loyal to my Team Edward status, little Robbie boy doesn’t have the ah-may-zing rock hard, buff build that our lovely Taylor does from those meat patties… though according to that window sill busting shot, Rob’s been working out which I’m forever thankful for. (Sends praises to the gods.)

Rock hard abs are completely overrated.

I was going to say, I was looking forward to “Shirtless Wolf boys” but it seems that Taylor is the only one who’s really committed to giving us the drool-worthy body.  I think the SNL skit where Taylor dressed in a Team Edward shirt and a mini-skirt (AWESOME) said it best, “I was like YES!  I want to bake cookies on your stomach.”

Check it out:

So while I’m a diehard Team Edward girl, it doesn’t mean I can appreciate Jacob.  I’m devoted not dead. (EC: So disappointed in you right now. tsk tsk.)

6.  The Denali hoochie mamas vampires

You know Mike Newton was so about to try to hit that...and that...and that

Yes, that’s right.  I want to see the Denali girls; specifically, Tanya.  Sure, I’ve seen pictures the chick that’s playing Tanya, but I want to see her as Tanya.  I want to see her blatantly flirt with Edward and have Edward smile that crooked smile and walk away with Bella on his arm.

Take that you little succubus!   I’m Bella’s going to turn Edward into an incubus that bites pillows and busts up headboards.  Ha!

Hmmm – or maybe seeing Tanya put doubt in Bella that maybe she and Edward had a history.  That could be fun too.

5.  Having the day off

While this isn’t exactly about Breaking Dawn itself, it is something I’m very much looking forward to.  Yes boys and girls, this will be my FOURTH day of vacation that I have judiciously spent in order to watch the first showing of the Twilight movies the day they come out… well, negating the midnight showing.  (I have also used vacation days to watch Water for Elephants, Remember Me, Harry Potter… it’s kind of my thing.)

Every year, one of my best RL friends and I take the day off of work so we could go to the first showing opening day.  Well, except New Moon where I went with someone else because she ended up having an emergency c-section 6 weeks before her due date, the day New Moon was released… the poor woman was so ticked off listening to the nurses, who were prepping her, talking about how they were going to see New Moon that night.  She flashed a look to her husband that she wanted them to shut up because it was bad enough she was missing it, but them talking about it was like getting it rubbed in her face. 

Anyway, we do this because having the day off work rocks, but also, the theater attendance at 10 am on a weekday is very low, including no tweeners that don’t know how to stop squealing when Jacob disrobes every 2 minutes.  (My second time watching New Moon was with my sisters and realized those girls really never stop squealing.)  Then after we watch the movie we go to lunch and rehash what we liked and didn’t like.  It’s a blast.  I’d highly recommend it.  Besides, be honest, you’re not going to get anything at work accomplished the day the movie comes out because you’ll be too busy thinking about how long you have until you can get out of there to watch the movie.

4.  New fodder

Twilight was the best for fun fodder:

 “Hold on tight Spidermonkey.”  “Kids love those little bottles.”  “Purple’s cool”  “Hey Arizona, how you likin’ the rain, girl?” and on, and on…

And while I doubt we’ll come away with the epicness that Twilight had provided for giggleable lines, I have high hopes for something good… in a good way, not cringe worthy, hide my face way.

3.  Getting answers to unanswered questions

Like, what the eff Aro was so pissed about in the preview clip I’d seen.  Was I the only one who watched that one preview where Aro throws the chick I can only assume is Heidi or some other Volturri vamp across the turret?  I was so confused. (EC: That was NOT in the book! I checked. There WAS lots of  Jacob running in the woods. yawn.)

Or why exactly UC & Moon from LTT loved.  Like, LOVED BD – P1 when they saw it on Monday because those lucky girls got to not only see the likes of the Twilight cast and crew in the flesh, they got to see the movie.  #jealous.

2.  Vampire Cesarean

Good ol’ Bill Condon (seriously, I see “condom” every time I read his name) promised sex, blood and feathers and I’m looking forward to it.

Enough said. (EC: The best part of Breaking Dawn. It not only becomes a ‘horror’ book, but Edward finally stops his whining enough for the most creative way to perform a c-section EVER!)

1.  Feathers, Busted Headboards and Bruises, oh my!

Was there really anything else you were expecting for my number 1?  As far as I’m concerned it’s just like Edward said in Twilight, “There is no other option!”

I do realize we will end up with a “Fade to Sad” and as much as I really would have wanted an R rated sex scene, I know it’s not going to happen.  But if the clip of Robward busting up that windowsill is just some of the amazingness we’ll get, I’m stoked!

With that being said, this could all go horribly wrong.  After Twilight, Rob and Kristen got awkward around each other in front of the camera and while I’ve never seen Eyes Wide Shut, I heard Tom and Nicole’s sex scene was AW-KWARD.  I’m kind of afraid that will happen here, but I’m still crossing my fingers.

Much better angle

One last thing… I did a Top Ten because it seemed appropriate, but I do have a BONUS thing I’m looking forward to:

I finally have been able to abstain from reading the books more than 6 months before the movie (that was HARD to keep from caving to temptation).  I’m looking forward to just enjoying the movie without the book fresh in my mind to nit-pick and compare how they’re just not the same.  AND finally being able to re-visit my old friends that my kids call my Apple Book, Flower Book, Ribbon Book & Game Book.

What are you looking forward to?

❤ TeamJacobEdward

Celebrity Email Theater…Breaking Dawn Character Edition or…

Posted in Fake, Fake Celebrity Stuff, Fake Emails, Letters to Twilight, Twilight, Uncategorized with tags , , , on November 8, 2011 by talksupe
posted by EC Stacey


EC: One day, Letter to Twilight (, which by the way if you like this blog you’ll LOVE theirs,  had a post discussing just pictures released from Breaking Dawn. Wedding pictures with Bella’s mom, Renee. You know the lady. The one who likes to pretend that she’s her daughter’s younger sister. Well that got us to thinking, what would happen if you combined Renee, an open bar and all of her cougar instincts around men who look like Grecian, marble statues? Trouble. Big trouble.

SWD: *side note* We did have an open bar at our wedding. It was Mr. Snow’s “designer silk dress”. We paid for it. It was soooo worth the 11.5 (<-we know lots of drunks) for all the candid table camera photos, stories, hook-ups, and pregnancies. And we DID have a cougar/ groomsmen sitch. #awesome

Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyers created these crazy characters. We just took it to the next, disturbing (and hopefully funny) level.

Disclaimer 2: You know this isn’t real. Because, I honestly believe if you think Edward Cullen or Jacob Black are real then you might need to talk someone. A professional someone. A professional someone that can administer prescription medication. Also, you do realize vampires and werewolves aren’t at all real? Neither are zombies. That goodness for that. Those things are nasty.

Disclaimer 3: Don’t you think STAR magazine and US Weekly should put disclaimers like these on all their stories? Because, you do know the probabilities that anything written in those are real are like slim to none.

P.S. – This is dedicated to Team Seth, who actually had a beautiful wedding and no crazy Renee’s and Emmett’s

Away we go…

Subject: Wedding
First let me say, Mama loves you. I know you are abit mad right now, but I think in a few weeks you and I can sit back and laugh. Your dad told me to leave you alone, but I told him he can kiss it. Charlie’s face turned all red and it looked like smoke was going to come out of his ears. It was hilarious. Which isn’t the reason I’m writing, just…
You know, if you think about it, it really is your fault Bella. An open bar? You know how Mama loves her wine. Not to mention, what is it with those Cullen men? Their backsides are like rocks! I just had to see if they really were so hard. You can’t blame a woman for needing to see…I should say feel. That cutie Emmett seemed to enjoy it. Then when I danced with that big piece of meat, well sweetie, I think you married the wrong brother.
Which reminds me, when you get back I need to have a conference call or SKYPE with you and little Alice. I wasn’t liking how Jasper was looking at Edward. He kept making weird faces. Then when I took a little feel, that boy’s face got all tight and frustrated looking. Remember when I dated that Greg when you were 8? He was a bisexual, Bella. I know these things from experience. I will bet my whole collection of Mexican decorative pottery that Alice’s boyfriend is light in the loafers. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
I know you were actually worried about Phil’s feelings! Don’t worry, sweetie! He was having a great time chatting up and I think feeling up that tall, blonde girl from Alaska. Are her boobs real? Anyway, we have an ‘open relationship’. Maybe you and Edward should look into that type of arrangement!
Is Bronte like the Kardashians? I just love that show!
Love, Renee
 Subject: Wedding 
Mom- I can’t do this right now.
Subject: MILF email
Yo, lil’sis! Finally gettin’ a little something. Little being a perfect word for Ed’s tiny Ed. Hey can you send me your ma’s email? She’s the bomb! What a cougar! Actually, I am older…I’m confused. No matter! She’s going to make me a East Coast Rap mix tape! Cool lady for real!Hey, don’t tell Rose.
-The Notorious E! (Emmett if you couldn’t figure that out)
Subject: Cease and Desist
Leave my wife alone. Also, you may NOT have my mother-in-laws email.
Edward M. Cullen
Subject: Still not getting any?
Still see the stick up your a…excuse me…derierre. You are delicate like a little daisy, Ed. Maybe, you should let Bella flash you her boobs. LOL!
-Notorious E 
P.S. Let me know if you need any ‘bedroom advice’. ;0)
Subject: Your Mother
Get control of your mother, before I do. Let’s just say my way involves body parts thrown in varied locations.
– Rosalie Hale Cullen
 Subject: Sorry
I am so very sorry.
Subject: Your Mother
Please inform your mother that her phone calls to Alice concerning my sexual orientation are unnecessary and unwarranted. Four phone calls a day is getting obsessive and Alice keeps laughing at me. If I was ever to as your mom, so undelicately put it switch teams, I would never be interested in Edward. I am slightly offended by the idea. No offense to you, Isabella.
Subject: HA!
Your mother is hilarious! Jasper is all trying to be manly and open up jars of peanut butter and pickles! We don’t even eat and he bought them, just so he can show me he’s the ‘man’ in the house. It’s great!Can I please dress your mom? That WalMart fiasco she wore to the wedding turned my stomach. BTW, how’s Edward liking those bikinis I packed for you? Nevermind, I already know. ;0)
Love ya! Alice
Subject: My apologies
Bella and I will be taking care of the issue with her mother. Please do not worry about it any further.
Wait…what did you mean you would NEVER be interested in me. I am somewhat offended by that statement. Bella has no complaints.
-Edward M. Cullen
Subject: Umm…
Hi Bella!
I hope you are having a lovely honeymoon and I don’t want to interrupt, but before you get a rude email from Jessica…your mom was making out with Mike Newton by the chocolate fountain. I thought it would be better if you heard it from me.
Let’s get coffee and chat when you get back! I have BIG NEWS about me and Ben! 
Miss you!
Subject: Changes
Dear Carlisle,
Edward and I request your help for the “Big Change” at the Isle Esme. Sooner is better than later. Thank you!
Love, Bella
Subject: Changes?
Dearest Bella,
I thought you two were waiting until you arrived back to Forks? Is this concerning your mother’s behavior? Charlie attempted to talk some reason to her and was going to email you himself, but he doesn’t know how to email.
Maybe, I can find a nice rehab facility for your mother? Why are you and Edward rushing the “change”?
Esme sends her love to you both!
Love, Carlisle
Subject: My mother
I’m planning on eating her.
Love, Bella
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