Archive for The Office

What can we expect:US Being Human

Posted in Being Human, Favorites, Ghosts, Smallville, Vampires, Werewolves with tags , , , , , , , , , on January 18, 2011 by talksupe

posted by snowwhitedrifted (SWD/ West coast Stacey) and East Coast Stacey

Quick Note:  Being Human on SyFy premiered last night! I, (EC) watched part of it this morning. So far, so good. WC and I will have a full review for ou VERY SOON! Tomorrow, hopefully. Unfortunately, WordPress isn’t playing very nicely, so keep your fingers crossed!

The Syfy channel is launching it’s own version of the awesome BBC show Being Human, and we’re nervous. Firstly the Brit version of this show is perfect, how can the US improve it?  They can’t. We Americans have messed up Top Gear, American Idol and Kitchen Nightmares. EC: That American Top Gear is just ridiculous. Not ridiculous in a good way! I haven’t seen the British version of the Office, but I hear it’s better too. EC: Wait…I love the American Office. Well I heart John Kranski. Why do we have to steal British shows? Are they going to do a remake of Monarch of the Glen set in San Diego? Instead of a highland Laird, Archie would be a landlord of a large apartment building where hijinks would ensue. He’d be the Mr. Ferley of the 2000’s. See, bad. EC: Supposedly, Entertainment Weekly thinks that it’s great.  Also, 13 episodes instead of 6. They are expanding the story, which will be the same as the British version. Questions and more questions! So, what will we see from Syfy? Who knows, but I know what we won’t see:


Does the US measure up?




Cozy and classy: Annie's magic sweater


US Annie (Sally) needs:

Annie’s comfy gray sweaters. Here in the US, we’re all about the boobs. So ghost Annie (Sally) will be in cami’s and halters. Wait, just checked photographic evidence! Nope…American girl ghost ‘Sally’ has the sweater! The inmportant thing to look out for is if she gives those come hiter looks to Mitc…Aidan or a little sister teasing to Gero…Josh. We need to get these names straight.

Uh oh, I miss the mismatched china teacups

Annie constantly making tea. Tea isn’t really our pasttime beverage. So Annie will just keep opening cans of Coors Light. Or Starbucks Coffee. We Americans love coffee and product placement in out television programs. 

US me will suck, but not as well.

US Mitchell (Aidan) will not be:

We’ll miss the dark curls. And the accent. Mitchell is a good mix of light in dark. You would really like to do shots with him at the pub and maybe a pint or two, but when it’s time to go home…it might be a bit nerve wracking walking down a dark alley home. American Mitchell, I mean Aidan, seems creepy. It remains to be seen if he can bring the humour and charm. Honestly, we love our Mitchell slightly evil, but he needs to have the heart and slight romantic vibe with Annie. Fun note: American Mitchell was Doomsday on Smallville. Why do I (EC) know this? Tom Welling (Superman) is adorable and I might be a really cute nerd who likes that show.  


Already missing the accent and the curls, but...I'll give you a chance Doomsday.


 US George (JOSH) isn’t:


By 'George', I think he's got it!


 British George is the man. Seriously, it might be a personal preference, but I like my George slightly dorky and whiny. His disfunctional BFF’s with Annie makes my day. They get cranky at each other about messes, but the two of them come together when they need help. For this reason, American ‘George’ needs to bring it. He needs to bring the whiny dorky and mix it with the reluctant sweetness, that saves him from the throttling you want to give him for being annoying. Plus the American version might be TOO attractive. The British George is cute, but American TV always has to bring the ‘sex’ appeal. There really is no need. Umm…observe the picture below…wait a minute…umm…nevermind. No sex appeal here. It looks like a mugshot. That was a bit unfair of the photographer!


A Geor...I mean JOSH mug shot.

Let’s all hope that the American version will have all the supernatural bonding, cool stories, funny moments and scares as the original. But being this is filmed in the U.S.A, it might be Baywatch with vamps. Luckily, the Being Human vampires don’t burn up or sparkle. Ha! Surfing vampires. This amuses me.





 What do you think of a US version of Being Human? Let us know!

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