Sooooo Not what I pictured as Claude Crane

posted by snowwhitedrifted (SWD/ West Coast Stacey)

True Blood just announced some new cast members for Season #4, aka the season of the Eric Witch. For Claude Crane, we have: Neil Hopkins (a.k.a. Charlie’s brother Liam on Lost)as Claude, Claudine’s mysterious brother.

Neil Hopkins as Claude the fairy?

Now I haven’t seen LOST, but you have EC Stace…. is this a good Claude? I just don’t get a romance novel cover model-male exotic dancer- fairy vibe. Am I wrong?

I pictured Claude as this:

SWD's book Claude


Or maybe even…

Can a wolf play a fairy? *snickers*

Off topic, but still True Blood related: But THIS made my day!! I’d never object to this casting.

Battle of the FANG, everyonge's a winner!

5 Responses to “Sooooo Not what I pictured as Claude Crane”

  1. EC here! Umm…they cast him as Claude? I am so confused. Are they going to dye him tips and put him in tight pants? I am going to have wait to pass judgement.

    You want lil’ jailbait to be a fairy? He’ll be too busy running around the pretend forests of Forks, pouting and patrolling in Breaking Dawn. :0)

  2. All I have to say is I LOVE LIAM. Ahem. Every episode of Lost he was in I got a little too excited and received angry looks from Mr. Seth. ❤ him.

    Then he was in Castle a couple weeks ago… with a New Jersey accent… and I was like, W.T.F.

    Yeah, the man is from New Jersey! Explain me that! Sigh. He's beautiful.

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